Bonrix SMS Manager 4 ODIN
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About Software
- This software reads data from Odin Diet or Odin Client.
- Software also reads data from Website.
- Software calculates new value from existing symbols using Formulas.
- Software also sends Tips and Alerts to clients.
- Software reads data from different columns of Excel file and generate SMS.
- Send SMS either through Mobile or through Internet.
How To Use
Main Screen
- Click on Refresh button in top right corner, shows watch lists from Odin Diet or Odin Client.
- Select watch list, sets columns in Odin Diet or Odin Client according to message.
- Click on Start Extract in Odin panel to start extracting info of Scripts
from Odin Diet or Odin Client.
- Click on Start Extract in Website panel to start extracting info of
Scripts from Website.
- Click on Start Extract in Formula panel to start calculating formula
- Click on Start Sending Server to Start SMS Sending.
- Click on Start Alert Server to Start Alerts SMS Sending.
Client Management
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Client entries from here.
- Client becomes Active or Inactive automatic from Client Type. 1. According
To Date 2. According To Credit
- You can Import Clients from Excel file.
- SMS send to only Active clients.
Script Management(Odin Scripts)
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Script entries from here.
- You can Import Clients from Excel file.
- Use Odin Symbols as ScriptName.
Script Management(Website)
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Script entries from here.
- Here Line No is Script's Information's Line No.
- Start is Starting Position of Script's Value.
- Length is No. of characters of Script's Value.
Script Management(Formula)
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Script entries from here.
- In Formula use Existing Scripts from Odin Scripts or Website Scripts or
Existing Formula Scripts.
- Leave Space before and after Script Name and Operators in Formula field.
- You can specify No. of digits after decimal in Value Format.(Ex. #####,
Fixed Time Group Management
- Fixed Time Intervals Group Management.
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Fixed Group entries from here.
- SMS Send to clients on Interval Delay.
- SMS Send to only Active Groups.
- If all Clients of this group has same scripts then Check on that Checkbox.
Variable Time Group Management
- Variable Time Intervals Group Management.
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Variable Group entries from here.
- SMS Send to clients on Given Time. Enter time as HH:MM 24 hour schedule.
- SMS Send to only Active Groups.
- If all Clients of this group has same scripts then Check on that Checkbox.
Group Script Entry
- Assign Scripts to Group.
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Group Scripts entries from here.
- If "All Clients have Same Scripts" then you can assign Scripts to
that Group.
- No need to assign Scripts to Clients.
Client Script Entry
- Assign Scripts to Clients.
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Client Scripts entries from here.
- If Clients have different Scripts then you can assign Scripts to
- You have to assign Scripts all Clients one by one.
Client Groups Entry
- Assign Groups to Client.
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Groups Client entries from here.
- You can assign more than one Group to Client.
Group Clients Entry
- Assign Clients to Group.
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Client's Group entries from here.
- Select Group and assign Clients to Group.
Gateway Settings
- Send SMS either through Mobile or thru Internet.
- In through Internet you have to enter URL, Mobile Format(National or
International), MobileNo Per Request(comma separed MobileNos), Thread Count(No
of Threads), Response Messages(Response after URL submit).
Alert Management
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Alert entries from here.
- You have to Select Script and enter condition on LTP or Change.
- If LTP or Change fulfill that condition, then SMS send to MobileNo or
Selected Groups or Selected Contacts.
- After SMS Sent Alert's Status becomes Process.
- In Main Screen click on Start Alert Server to start Alerts SMS. It
checks only Pending Alerts.
- In Main Screen click on Stop Alert Server to stop Alerts SMS.
SMS Settings
- You can set SMS format from here.
- Check on Time Checkbox to add Time in SMS.
- Enter Firm Name to add Firm Name in SMS.
- Select fields of Scripts that you want in SMS.
- Use new line or space to separate Scripts information.
Groupwise SMS Setting
- You can set SMS format for perticular Group from here.
- SMS Settings is default. If Groupwise SMS Setting not done, then it use
SMS Setting to generate SMS.
- Same Settings as SMS Setting.
- Send Tips to Selected Groups or Selected Script.
Quick SMS
- Send SMS to MobileNo or Selected Groups or Selected Contacts.
- Either Use Clients Scripts or you can Select Scripts.
- Use default SMS Format or you can specify New Format from here.
File To SMS
- Send SMS from Excel file.
- Select Excel file path & Specify Column in To combo which has MobileNo or
- Select proper option from radio buttons.
- Select Template which contains already saved Message.
Template Entry
- You can Add, Edit, Save, Delete Template entries from here.
- use <a> id A column of Excelfile. <a> replaced by text of Column A of
excel file.
Client Notification Setting
- Send SMS to Client automatic when it becomes Active.
- Send Account Expire SMS to Client no of times in remaining days.
Client Search
- Search Clients Accoding to given criteria.
- Multiple delete of Searched Clients.
- Send SMS to Searched Clients.
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